Seriously is this learned or are they born with it?
Every so often Logan will start doing the "man" walk, you know the strut?!
and every so often he'll ask a question or tell you something with this very low as a matter of fact tone.
The other day Makenna came over to play, Logan and Makenna are about the same age, and she is just such a cutie pie. Obviously I am not the only one who thinks so. After both kids had a snack they went out back to play, It was early December and about 85 degrees outside. I looked outside and saw Logan walking around Shirtless, doing the "man walk". Was he showing off for his little girlfriend?or was he just plain hot? yes he is only 4 but I'm telling you THEY ARE BORN THIS WAY"
A little while later I called kids to come inside for lunch. It was pizza this time.. They were so cute just sitting together eating pizza and drinking juice, when Logan all of a sudden sits straight up, looks over at Makenna, an in a VERY deep voice Say's " So uh Makenna, do you like Peperoni?"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
mommy guilt
Do you ever feel like your a bad parent? I'm sure you do I'm sure we all do. Its not a good feeling. I'm always doubting myself, and even losing my temper. It seems like I've been losing it a lot lately. I've been told that "If you are a bad parent you would not be worried about being a bad parent," So I guess that's a good thing. I just HATE feeling that I've done something wrong or scarred them for life. As the kids get older it seems they are more determined to drive me completely nuts, from Morgan arguing about homework, to throwing a fit when I ask her to turn off her light if she's not in her room. Then from Logan acting totally out of control and embarrassing me by running around out of control in the grocery store to, cutting the sides of his hair right AFTER I took him for a hair cut. I know I know this is all normal, then why do I feel so out of control? At the end of the day I find myself apologizing for yelling or my short fuse, then praising them telling them "thank you for being such a good boy today I'm so proud of you." Usually both kids look at me like I'm insane and say "um we got busted today, or mommy you yelled at us today," and here I go again saying I know but that was just a small part of the day, when really it was HUGE chunk of the day. I go to bed feeling crappy and just wanting to go into their room and hug them telling them how much I love them. I'm sure I'm making it sound like I'm Mommy dearest, I know its not that bad. I just guess everyone has room for improvement. And I'm vowing to have more patience, and try to enjoy my kids a bit more everyday..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
please don't say it outloud!
So Logan is at it again! I really do wonder where he comes up with these things, and I'm actually a little afraid for when he starts school.. What are his teachers going to think, Surely he's not getting this stuff from me!!
The other day we were getting ready to go out, Logan was looking pretty spiffy, Cute little slacks with a nice button down collar shirt. I'm tucking his shirt in and he just looks at me and says "mom, you just tickled my penis," as I'm about to say " oh I'm sorry buddy" he looks at me with a smile and Say's " and it felt good, actually it felt awesome" OK WHAT?! All I can think of is please don't say that out loud, I can just see CPS showing up at the door to question me!
The other day we were getting ready to go out, Logan was looking pretty spiffy, Cute little slacks with a nice button down collar shirt. I'm tucking his shirt in and he just looks at me and says "mom, you just tickled my penis," as I'm about to say " oh I'm sorry buddy" he looks at me with a smile and Say's " and it felt good, actually it felt awesome" OK WHAT?! All I can think of is please don't say that out loud, I can just see CPS showing up at the door to question me!
our not so boring trip to the commissary!
OK so the last time I posted was about the "mystery smell" Thankfully there has not been anymore smells lurking around. But there are plenty of other entertaining stories..
School has started THANK GOD! I Thought I was going to have to admit myself to the loony bin for a while. Morgan is now in 2ND grade... How the heck did that happen? she is still my teeny little peanut and as spunky and sassy as ever, at least the eye rolls have stopped, or at least she has just found a way to do it without me seeing. I don't care as long as I don't see it then its not happening.
2 weeks after Morgan started school Logan FINALLY started back at preschool, now its only for 2 hours and 45 minutes a day, but let me tell you... It is the BEST 2 hours and 45 min EVER!! He is still my little how should I say, "trouble Maker."
I took him to the Commissary with me a few weeks ago, and of course it was anything but boring. He was being such a good boy, and big helper. However that did not last as long as I had hoped. Sure enough as were walking down the medicine Isle, he's walking beside the cart and I hear, " OWEEEEEEEEEE!!! MOMMMMMY" Sure enough he's got his entire hand stuck between the metal bars in the shopping cart. My first reaction was " really? why am I not surprised" so I actually just stood there for a few seconds just staring.. Now there are a lot of older people shopping at the commissary at this time, and this older woman sees Logan and takes off running down the isle saying I'll get the Vaseline." Then this other older woman walks by and yells for her husband who comes running down the isle to save the day.. Seriously I'm just laughing thinking to myself " wow this seems like last year when he got his head stuck in the car door window." Shortly after the man comes up Logan manages to turn his hand and pull it out, the woman with the Vaseline Say's "thank God" and pats Logan on the head!! The man gives Logan a high five and wishes me Luck.... He has no idea how much luck I need!
School has started THANK GOD! I Thought I was going to have to admit myself to the loony bin for a while. Morgan is now in 2ND grade... How the heck did that happen? she is still my teeny little peanut and as spunky and sassy as ever, at least the eye rolls have stopped, or at least she has just found a way to do it without me seeing. I don't care as long as I don't see it then its not happening.
2 weeks after Morgan started school Logan FINALLY started back at preschool, now its only for 2 hours and 45 minutes a day, but let me tell you... It is the BEST 2 hours and 45 min EVER!! He is still my little how should I say, "trouble Maker."
I took him to the Commissary with me a few weeks ago, and of course it was anything but boring. He was being such a good boy, and big helper. However that did not last as long as I had hoped. Sure enough as were walking down the medicine Isle, he's walking beside the cart and I hear, " OWEEEEEEEEEE!!! MOMMMMMY" Sure enough he's got his entire hand stuck between the metal bars in the shopping cart. My first reaction was " really? why am I not surprised" so I actually just stood there for a few seconds just staring.. Now there are a lot of older people shopping at the commissary at this time, and this older woman sees Logan and takes off running down the isle saying I'll get the Vaseline." Then this other older woman walks by and yells for her husband who comes running down the isle to save the day.. Seriously I'm just laughing thinking to myself " wow this seems like last year when he got his head stuck in the car door window." Shortly after the man comes up Logan manages to turn his hand and pull it out, the woman with the Vaseline Say's "thank God" and pats Logan on the head!! The man gives Logan a high five and wishes me Luck.... He has no idea how much luck I need!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Mystery Smell!!
Well for the past several days every time we get into the car when its closed up, there is a foul smell. I've looked everywhere trying to find the smell, thinking of course there is some sort of left over snack collecting mold and smelling up the mom mobile. After washing the car, vacuuming, even taking the seats out I found nothing. So I figured I'd just spray some air Freshener and be done with it.
A couple of days later while I stop to pick up Benny (one of our exchange students) to take him to school, He is sitting in the very back seat with the one and only Logan. Apparently Benny had a pretty good whiff of the smell and opened up one of the consoles that I seemed to have missed, and of course it is the one closest to Logan's chair. And there it is! the Mystery smell. Some sort of Juice and God knows what floating around along side of MOLD, Black or green, whatever it was just floating around what I'm guessing was Apple Juice, and by now pretty fermented. I decided it wasn't worth mentioning to Logan at that time because who knows how long its been in there, and by that time I can't really see the logic in scolding him for something he did weeks ago.. So I pour bleach, take a rag, and clean it out. ahhhhhhh the smell of clean.
That same day we get into the car to pick up the kids from school, first thing Logan does is open the console and yell " HEY MOM, SOMEONE STOLE MY POTION!"
A couple of days later while I stop to pick up Benny (one of our exchange students) to take him to school, He is sitting in the very back seat with the one and only Logan. Apparently Benny had a pretty good whiff of the smell and opened up one of the consoles that I seemed to have missed, and of course it is the one closest to Logan's chair. And there it is! the Mystery smell. Some sort of Juice and God knows what floating around along side of MOLD, Black or green, whatever it was just floating around what I'm guessing was Apple Juice, and by now pretty fermented. I decided it wasn't worth mentioning to Logan at that time because who knows how long its been in there, and by that time I can't really see the logic in scolding him for something he did weeks ago.. So I pour bleach, take a rag, and clean it out. ahhhhhhh the smell of clean.
That same day we get into the car to pick up the kids from school, first thing Logan does is open the console and yell " HEY MOM, SOMEONE STOLE MY POTION!"
Thursday, August 12, 2010
We should win a prize for this LMAO
HOLY COW it has been a long time since I've blogged, But that does not mean nothing has been going on, it just means I've been so busy, or just plain lazy!
These past few months have been INTERESTING, FUN, STRESSFUL, and exciting! We took a family trip to the river for a few days of Jet Ski's and swimming. we took Madison with us and we all had a great time! funny thing is its 125 + out there, and your in the water ALL DAY and I didn't even get a freckle, then a few hours here at home at the beach, and I end up looking like a lobster. Either way we had a blast. The most AMAZING thing to happen in our family is hosting our Foreign exchange student Verena, she is from Austria and is staying with us for a month. WE LOVE HER! actually we love all of the kids that are here, we have been so busy, so tired but having the time of our lives. we can not wait to host again next year! Sadly they all have to go home next weekend, I know my kids are going to be devastated. Logan has been "cheeky" as Verena says, and I kind of like that instead of saying "bratty". it sounds way cuter.. And yes Logan has been CHEEKY! HOLY MO LY! he has also started using "air quotes" OK my first question is "WHERE DID HE LEARN AIR QUOTES?" The other day he actually looked at Joe held up his " air quotes" and said "dad your such a drama boy". Morgan has turned into a "DIVA" overnight, I'm not liking 7 so much, I guess its just a taste of what lies ahead. She has started doing the "eye roll" really? at 7? I was thinking more like 11 or 12 but no, at the age of 7 she knows EVERYTHING mom and dad are always wrong. I actually told her "if you roll your eyes at me one more time I'm going to knock your eye sockets out of your head" OK NO I WOULD NEVER DO THAT! but the eye roll EVERYDAY!
Tuesday we took Verena and kids to Knots Berry Farm, I told Morgan "hold on to my hand so you don't' get lost" she gives me A LOUD LONG SIGH on top of an EYE ROLL" OH Holy Hell!!!!
Speaking of Knots, we all went on the Log Ride, I have no words to describe it so I will just have to post a picture and you can see for yourselves! On that note I will attempt to blog more Often, Now I get to pick up dog poop, and mow the back yard! YAY ME!
These past few months have been INTERESTING, FUN, STRESSFUL, and exciting! We took a family trip to the river for a few days of Jet Ski's and swimming. we took Madison with us and we all had a great time! funny thing is its 125 + out there, and your in the water ALL DAY and I didn't even get a freckle, then a few hours here at home at the beach, and I end up looking like a lobster. Either way we had a blast. The most AMAZING thing to happen in our family is hosting our Foreign exchange student Verena, she is from Austria and is staying with us for a month. WE LOVE HER! actually we love all of the kids that are here, we have been so busy, so tired but having the time of our lives. we can not wait to host again next year! Sadly they all have to go home next weekend, I know my kids are going to be devastated. Logan has been "cheeky" as Verena says, and I kind of like that instead of saying "bratty". it sounds way cuter.. And yes Logan has been CHEEKY! HOLY MO LY! he has also started using "air quotes" OK my first question is "WHERE DID HE LEARN AIR QUOTES?" The other day he actually looked at Joe held up his " air quotes" and said "dad your such a drama boy". Morgan has turned into a "DIVA" overnight, I'm not liking 7 so much, I guess its just a taste of what lies ahead. She has started doing the "eye roll" really? at 7? I was thinking more like 11 or 12 but no, at the age of 7 she knows EVERYTHING mom and dad are always wrong. I actually told her "if you roll your eyes at me one more time I'm going to knock your eye sockets out of your head" OK NO I WOULD NEVER DO THAT! but the eye roll EVERYDAY!
Tuesday we took Verena and kids to Knots Berry Farm, I told Morgan "hold on to my hand so you don't' get lost" she gives me A LOUD LONG SIGH on top of an EYE ROLL" OH Holy Hell!!!!
Speaking of Knots, we all went on the Log Ride, I have no words to describe it so I will just have to post a picture and you can see for yourselves! On that note I will attempt to blog more Often, Now I get to pick up dog poop, and mow the back yard! YAY ME!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here is a picture from our trip to the Animal park with Lexie, Notice Morgan is holding on to her leash.. Yea there is a reason for that.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Seriously where does he come up with these things?? I dropped Morgan off at school Logan and I had about 40 minutes before he had to be at preschool so we ran a couple of errands, I pulled into the parking space directly in front of the ATM so I could make a deposit.. Now I was not more then 5 feet away from the car so don't freak out when I tell you I left Logan in the car waiting for me.. I Also left my coffee in the cup holder in the car.. I got back in the car and Logan was in Morgans seat, that was no big deal he's played musical chairs before.. ( no no no not while I'm driving so chill out!) Anyway as I was driving out of the parking lot Logan Say's "Mom the invisible me drank your coffee," "What, Logan did you drink my coffee?" "no mom, It was the Invisible Me." "Logan, be honest, did you drink my coffee?" "Mom, you be honest, what were you doing at the bank?" "UM I was depositing a check" ... "OK mom then yes I drank your coffee.."
So then Later that afternoon, we picked Morgan up from school and headed to get her allergy shots like we do twice a week. Out of the blue Logan says to me " I talked to Michelle Obama" (OK just that he even knows the name "Michelle Obama" is insane) So I said " oh really, and what did she say" Logan Say's "she called on the phone and said Hi Logan, this is Michelle Obama, OK."
Yesterday Logan had his 4 year old check up, HE LOVES going to the Dr, and they LOVE when we come in because they get free entertainment. Logan who as you all know is not even close to being shy, immediately broke out in song, singing The Star Spangled Banner, This Land Is Your Land, and doing the Pledge Of Allegiance, he told Dr. Azhand all about Michelle Obama, Dr. Azhand asked who she was, and Logan told him she lives in the United States, He asked Logan who is she married to, and Logan thought for a minute and asked " whats that boys name" Dr Azhand was cracking up, and Logan finally said "Barrack Obama". Dr Azhand said he can't believe how confident Logan is, and keeps telling me how bright he is.. Well Logan was having a great time until the nurse told him he needed to get One shot and One finger poke. Well Instantly Logan started to cry, begging me to take him home.. " mommy I don't want to get a shot, can't we just leave?" " no buddy we can't go yet," Yes mommy, we can run" No, we cant they will catch us." "do they have a car" "Yes, and when we get home they will call us and ask what happened".. Logan looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said "DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE!"
So then Later that afternoon, we picked Morgan up from school and headed to get her allergy shots like we do twice a week. Out of the blue Logan says to me " I talked to Michelle Obama" (OK just that he even knows the name "Michelle Obama" is insane) So I said " oh really, and what did she say" Logan Say's "she called on the phone and said Hi Logan, this is Michelle Obama, OK."
Yesterday Logan had his 4 year old check up, HE LOVES going to the Dr, and they LOVE when we come in because they get free entertainment. Logan who as you all know is not even close to being shy, immediately broke out in song, singing The Star Spangled Banner, This Land Is Your Land, and doing the Pledge Of Allegiance, he told Dr. Azhand all about Michelle Obama, Dr. Azhand asked who she was, and Logan told him she lives in the United States, He asked Logan who is she married to, and Logan thought for a minute and asked " whats that boys name" Dr Azhand was cracking up, and Logan finally said "Barrack Obama". Dr Azhand said he can't believe how confident Logan is, and keeps telling me how bright he is.. Well Logan was having a great time until the nurse told him he needed to get One shot and One finger poke. Well Instantly Logan started to cry, begging me to take him home.. " mommy I don't want to get a shot, can't we just leave?" " no buddy we can't go yet," Yes mommy, we can run" No, we cant they will catch us." "do they have a car" "Yes, and when we get home they will call us and ask what happened".. Logan looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said "DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE!"
Birthday Blues!
Well its hard to believe that our beautiful little Miss Morgan Ashley is now 7 years old, Seriously where did the time go? I miss her little chunky face, and how she used to parrot everything we say. 7 years.... Wow time really does fly.
Morgan has been counting down the days for weeks now til her birthday, So excited for her big party at Pump It Up with her ENTIRE class.. (yes this will be the last year we do that holy cow is it expensive)The night before her birthday Morgan was, well lets just say SASSY! She was snappy, and mean, and really ungrateful, seriously. She had sort of of a fit when we told her she would not be able to open a present early because her attitude was bad, then when Logan gave her his present (Jammie's) she looked at me and said " so its only clothes" UM WHAT??? well after that little incident she disappeared into her room. A few minutes later I went to find her and she was snoring away in her bed. Well, I just figured she was tired and excited for her big day. Then at 4 am she came into our room telling daddy her tummy hurt. OK this is the difference between moms and dads.. Daddy's say "well there's nothing I can do for you, go back to bed" and Mommy's say OK honey let me rub your belly." Shortly after I got her back to bed, she was moaning and calling for me, I ran to her room and there she went.....PUKED all over her floor, and all I could really think was "NOOOO NOT TODAY." We then I thought maybe its all the Mucus from her allergies, I'll keep her home for the morning to rest, and the party will go as planned. No such luck, I ran some errands while she napped with daddy, I picked up her cake came home gave her a bath to make her feel better, as soon as she got out of the bath she puked AGAIN AND AGAIN. She spent the rest of her birthday sleeping on the couch.. I called all the parents and rescheduled her party for Monday and we decided May 13Th of 2010 was NOT her birthday, it will be Monday.
The last thing she said to me before falling asleep that night was "mommy, even tho I'm sick and throwing up, I still like being 7..
Morgan has been counting down the days for weeks now til her birthday, So excited for her big party at Pump It Up with her ENTIRE class.. (yes this will be the last year we do that holy cow is it expensive)The night before her birthday Morgan was, well lets just say SASSY! She was snappy, and mean, and really ungrateful, seriously. She had sort of of a fit when we told her she would not be able to open a present early because her attitude was bad, then when Logan gave her his present (Jammie's) she looked at me and said " so its only clothes" UM WHAT??? well after that little incident she disappeared into her room. A few minutes later I went to find her and she was snoring away in her bed. Well, I just figured she was tired and excited for her big day. Then at 4 am she came into our room telling daddy her tummy hurt. OK this is the difference between moms and dads.. Daddy's say "well there's nothing I can do for you, go back to bed" and Mommy's say OK honey let me rub your belly." Shortly after I got her back to bed, she was moaning and calling for me, I ran to her room and there she went.....PUKED all over her floor, and all I could really think was "NOOOO NOT TODAY." We then I thought maybe its all the Mucus from her allergies, I'll keep her home for the morning to rest, and the party will go as planned. No such luck, I ran some errands while she napped with daddy, I picked up her cake came home gave her a bath to make her feel better, as soon as she got out of the bath she puked AGAIN AND AGAIN. She spent the rest of her birthday sleeping on the couch.. I called all the parents and rescheduled her party for Monday and we decided May 13Th of 2010 was NOT her birthday, it will be Monday.
The last thing she said to me before falling asleep that night was "mommy, even tho I'm sick and throwing up, I still like being 7..
Monday, May 3, 2010
At least he's Honest!
So were trying to be really positive lately with Logan.. Hoping his whining will stop and improve his listening skills. The other day at dinner Joe asks Logan to do something, and surprisingly he did after being asked only once... Joe Say's to Logan "Thanks Buddy, I love it when you listen, I wish you would listen all the time" Logan replies without even a pause, and shaking his head, " That's not gonna happen."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tell me I'm NOT the only one!

Here are my Beautiful babes, at Pechenga awaiting Hairspray the Musical. The evening started off great, with a yummy dinner and lots of excitment. It ended 45 min into the show, with "I'm tired, I wanna go home." 2 kids crying, a frustraited daddy, and sad mommy.. What We saw of the show was amazing. I hope to see all of it one day.. Lesson of the day: EVEN IF the little ones get a good nap, An 8pm show is just not a good idea.. SO I'M SORRY TO THOSE OF YOU THAT WERE SITTING NEAR US".. I really did Mean well!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
FYI, when your 4 year old yells from the bathroom " MOM, DON'T COME IN HERE!" ALWAYS do!
I noticed the bathroom light was on and Logan was no where in site, I start walking toward the bathroom and I hear... " MOM don't come in here", I walk into the bathroom and find, Logan Standing near the toilet buck naked, holding Morgans toothbrush, with a full toilet. First thing out of his mouth is "I didn't do anything." I never got an answer other then I didn't do anything so I really have NO idea what he did, I just know it does not "smell" good.. So We threw Morgan tooth brush away, and I'm starting to think the poor girl needs her own bathroom!
I noticed the bathroom light was on and Logan was no where in site, I start walking toward the bathroom and I hear... " MOM don't come in here", I walk into the bathroom and find, Logan Standing near the toilet buck naked, holding Morgans toothbrush, with a full toilet. First thing out of his mouth is "I didn't do anything." I never got an answer other then I didn't do anything so I really have NO idea what he did, I just know it does not "smell" good.. So We threw Morgan tooth brush away, and I'm starting to think the poor girl needs her own bathroom!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Crickets Anyone??
Ya for spring!! Right? WRONG! I only say wrong because I'm FREEZING, yes FREEZING, here we are in almost in the middle of April, I swear last year it already felt like summer. Now it feels a lot more like winter, We've even got a fire going in the fire place, and I'm wearing socks..
The kids were off all last week for spring break, it pretty much stunk, poor Logan was sick all but one day. I felt so bad, not knowing he was sick, the boy really does not complain. he was fine all day, played with friends and ate like a horse, next thing I know he's laying on the couch, cheeks bright red, and just in a daze. I take his temp and BOOM 103 and Vomiting So here I am washing sheets, Jammie's, and floors. The only good thing about him being sick, (I know, I know, how can I say there is a "good thing" about him being sick) but he wants to snuggle ALL day, and he is just so cuddly. No I don't like him being sick, but I am trying to be positive.
So the one day he was better we hit the road to the Wild Animal park with some good friends, it was a great day, just a bit crowded. First thing we decided to see was the Butterfly display, they only come once a year, and it is really beautiful. The line was about 45 minutes long, so we ate lunch and chatted while we waited. A few of the workers were walking around in Butterfly costumes handing out MEAL WORMS to taste.. yes you heard me correctly, TOO TASTE. At first I thought it was a joke just to see who would do it, but they were serious! and my Morgan and Logan wanted to try it. ahhhhhhhh Well if They could do it.... So could I, OMG my friend and I had them in our mouths, luckily they were cooked and seasoned, honestly they did not taste "bad" kind of like Doritos, however the after taste, not so good.. Morgan however really liked them and kept asking for more. So after the tour, My friend went back to get her stroller and came back with CRICKETS! cooked and seasoned CRICKETS!... I refused to put one in my mouth, but of course Morgan was all for it. I seriously thought Logan would have been the one to put it in his mouth but NO, not even Logan would do it. The funny part was when Morgan was taking off its legs and sharing them with her friends, or saying " mommy look, I'm eating the butt.. AHHHH EWE GROSS, but the worst part was after she ate it and was talking, you could see little cricket bits all over her tongue. We found out there is a store near by that sells them cooked and flavored, She keeps asking me to buy them for her.. After we came home from the park, both kids went outside to see if they could find crickets for me to cook.. At least I have comfort knowing that if they are ever lost in a jungle, they will be just fine, just as long as there are crickets and meal worms around.C
The kids were off all last week for spring break, it pretty much stunk, poor Logan was sick all but one day. I felt so bad, not knowing he was sick, the boy really does not complain. he was fine all day, played with friends and ate like a horse, next thing I know he's laying on the couch, cheeks bright red, and just in a daze. I take his temp and BOOM 103 and Vomiting So here I am washing sheets, Jammie's, and floors. The only good thing about him being sick, (I know, I know, how can I say there is a "good thing" about him being sick) but he wants to snuggle ALL day, and he is just so cuddly. No I don't like him being sick, but I am trying to be positive.
So the one day he was better we hit the road to the Wild Animal park with some good friends, it was a great day, just a bit crowded. First thing we decided to see was the Butterfly display, they only come once a year, and it is really beautiful. The line was about 45 minutes long, so we ate lunch and chatted while we waited. A few of the workers were walking around in Butterfly costumes handing out MEAL WORMS to taste.. yes you heard me correctly, TOO TASTE. At first I thought it was a joke just to see who would do it, but they were serious! and my Morgan and Logan wanted to try it. ahhhhhhhh Well if They could do it.... So could I, OMG my friend and I had them in our mouths, luckily they were cooked and seasoned, honestly they did not taste "bad" kind of like Doritos, however the after taste, not so good.. Morgan however really liked them and kept asking for more. So after the tour, My friend went back to get her stroller and came back with CRICKETS! cooked and seasoned CRICKETS!... I refused to put one in my mouth, but of course Morgan was all for it. I seriously thought Logan would have been the one to put it in his mouth but NO, not even Logan would do it. The funny part was when Morgan was taking off its legs and sharing them with her friends, or saying " mommy look, I'm eating the butt.. AHHHH EWE GROSS, but the worst part was after she ate it and was talking, you could see little cricket bits all over her tongue. We found out there is a store near by that sells them cooked and flavored, She keeps asking me to buy them for her.. After we came home from the park, both kids went outside to see if they could find crickets for me to cook.. At least I have comfort knowing that if they are ever lost in a jungle, they will be just fine, just as long as there are crickets and meal worms around.C
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sorry, Mom's on stirke, go see your dad!
Have you ever had one of those days where NO one listens to you, not even the dogs, Or when you feel totally unappreciated, and taken advantage of or just plain disrespected? Well that's how my day was yesterday, I finally got so mad that I went on strike. I did NOTHING but sit in the other room and read my book. I did not finish folding laundry, and I DID NOT cook dinner. I let everyone know they could fend for themselves, and they did. When the kids had a problem, I made them go to their dad. I kind of think that I got my point across but only time will tell.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ya for 4's!! Really? The Jury is still out on that one. At the moment I'm thinking more on the lines of "ferocious 4's" but I still have 360 days to decide. Between both kids fighting up a storm, I mean FIGHTING! Not yelling, not whining but getting physical, "she hit me", "he hit me", "she started it", blah blah blah...Both kids ended up in time out, Morgan in her room, Logan in the living room, and me? HA, I basically hid in the closet.. alright no I didn't, I just curled up in a ball and rocked back and forth. OK, I didn't do that either, but if you were in my house today you would not have blamed me if I did.
Now its 730 at night, YA its almost bedtime, Morgan had a bath, and complained that there were too many bubbles. Who is this child? There are never too many bubbles! Joe and I were sitting here enjoying a nice conversation while Logan played in the bathtub. Then BOOM we're interrupted by Logan yelling, "I FARTED IN THE BATHTUB"
Now its 730 at night, YA its almost bedtime, Morgan had a bath, and complained that there were too many bubbles. Who is this child? There are never too many bubbles! Joe and I were sitting here enjoying a nice conversation while Logan played in the bathtub. Then BOOM we're interrupted by Logan yelling, "I FARTED IN THE BATHTUB"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Havin a ball!
So my blogging usually seems to be all about Logan, only because he gives me the most grief.. I mean Joy, I mean Stuff to talk about.... So its only fair to get my little Miss Morgan in on the fun. Oh she does keep me on my toes, but she is also very easy going, and caring. She is the most sensitive, caring child I know, I love the fact that she is so empathetic to everyone. She makes me so proud that she wants to help everyone, and I love that we show her how wonderful caring and helping others really is.
Now for the fun part... So Friday evening the kids were in the back yard playing in the trampoline, Joe just finished putting up the new net. THANK GOD, because this could have been bad, I just bought both kids new balls, they were having a "ball" jumping and watching the balls bounce around... Joe and I were sitting in the house watching the kids through the window, Logan was throwing the ball around and it ACCIDENTALLY hit Morgan in the face, it was a soft ball, but it really pissed her off, all off a sudden she chucked a fast ball right at his forehead. Logan went down, and I'm sorry to say We were cracking up... Does that make us bad parents? ok there was no blood, and no tears so I stand by our laughter!
Now for the fun part... So Friday evening the kids were in the back yard playing in the trampoline, Joe just finished putting up the new net. THANK GOD, because this could have been bad, I just bought both kids new balls, they were having a "ball" jumping and watching the balls bounce around... Joe and I were sitting in the house watching the kids through the window, Logan was throwing the ball around and it ACCIDENTALLY hit Morgan in the face, it was a soft ball, but it really pissed her off, all off a sudden she chucked a fast ball right at his forehead. Logan went down, and I'm sorry to say We were cracking up... Does that make us bad parents? ok there was no blood, and no tears so I stand by our laughter!
Goodbye Terrible 3's, Hello Fantastic 4's
Logan Andrew turned 4 this past Monday the 22ND of March. I was in my bathroom blow drying my hair. My plan was to go to his room with both camera's in hand, to wake him up and have his first morning as a 4 year old on tape. Well he woke up before I had the chance, and came into my bathroom with his sleepy eyes and said "Mommy, am I 4 now"?
Before he went to bed the night before I told him I needed to get a good look at him because he was going to look so different in the morning, He asked me if he was going to be a lot taller. " of course" I told him, and you might even have a beard!" So the morning of his birthday he casually felt around his chin to see if I was right. Aside from not having any facial hair at the ripe old age of 4, he's pretty happy about getting older, and almost being a "man", So I found a new weapon to use against him when he is being anything less then pleasant.. When he starts acting up, all I have to say is "If you dont' start behaving yourself, I'm not going to let you be 4 anymore, You will have to stay 3. After a few minutes pass he asks, "can I please be 4 now, I want to be 4 for 1000 days.... ooh if he only knew how old he'll be in 1000 days!
Before he went to bed the night before I told him I needed to get a good look at him because he was going to look so different in the morning, He asked me if he was going to be a lot taller. " of course" I told him, and you might even have a beard!" So the morning of his birthday he casually felt around his chin to see if I was right. Aside from not having any facial hair at the ripe old age of 4, he's pretty happy about getting older, and almost being a "man", So I found a new weapon to use against him when he is being anything less then pleasant.. When he starts acting up, all I have to say is "If you dont' start behaving yourself, I'm not going to let you be 4 anymore, You will have to stay 3. After a few minutes pass he asks, "can I please be 4 now, I want to be 4 for 1000 days.... ooh if he only knew how old he'll be in 1000 days!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Mommy has left the building
TGIF right? Well not really all the days seem to run together, I guess I would be more grateful and excited if my kids actually slept in on the weekends. Why is it that it is so flipping hard to get them out of bed Monday through Friday, but come Saturday they are up at the butt crack of dawn? I have not slept much all week, Joe has been on some snoring rampage, even though I gently push him or kick him or just plain yell "ROLL OVER" it never works, If he's not snoring its Logan with a bad dream, Or Morgan needing water, oh and who could forget the damn cat yowling in the middle of the night. So I guess you could say I'm a bit grouchy.
I've since locked myself in the office, while the kids play the Wii and argue every 23 seconds and Joe saying at least half a dozen times, "if you don’t' stop arguing I'm turning it off." So I think I'll just hide out in here till bedtime.
Today was my day to "Spring Clean” I think my logic was "if I do it today, I won’t' have to do it tomorrow." So I cleaned all of the floors, all of the bathrooms, and even mowed the back yard, and I have to say, that was my FIRST TIME EVER! Ahh I feel so accomplished. Okay not really just pretty damn sore right now. And since this morning when I cleaned the house from top to bottom, yep you can't even tell now. AHHHHHHH WHY DO I BOTHER?
So I came into the office/guest room only to find the bed a total mess, and toys all over the floor. And I think I turned into my mother (sorry mom) as I yelled, " If your not in here in 30 seconds all these toys are going into the trash! Logan just called for me, I tried so hard to hide as long as I could, Yelling back, "Mommy has left the building," It didn't work.
I've since locked myself in the office, while the kids play the Wii and argue every 23 seconds and Joe saying at least half a dozen times, "if you don’t' stop arguing I'm turning it off." So I think I'll just hide out in here till bedtime.
Today was my day to "Spring Clean” I think my logic was "if I do it today, I won’t' have to do it tomorrow." So I cleaned all of the floors, all of the bathrooms, and even mowed the back yard, and I have to say, that was my FIRST TIME EVER! Ahh I feel so accomplished. Okay not really just pretty damn sore right now. And since this morning when I cleaned the house from top to bottom, yep you can't even tell now. AHHHHHHH WHY DO I BOTHER?
So I came into the office/guest room only to find the bed a total mess, and toys all over the floor. And I think I turned into my mother (sorry mom) as I yelled, " If your not in here in 30 seconds all these toys are going into the trash! Logan just called for me, I tried so hard to hide as long as I could, Yelling back, "Mommy has left the building," It didn't work.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Mom, is he called a "DUMB ASS
So Were driving down the 15 fwy, my blinker has been on FOREVER, and of course NO ONE is letting me over. I HATE THIS. seriously, there are a MILLION drivers and GOD FOR BIDE someone actually lets me over. SO I did what Joe does and just went! hey he's gotta slow down or hit me right? and if he hits me its HIS fault. So I make my way over to the right lane to exit, and I look in my rear view mirror, its a man in a truck ON HIS PHONE and HE gives ME the finger.. ya nice, me in a minivan with 2 kids and HE is gonna give me the finger? and yes I really wanted to give it right back to him, as I'm sure you all would, but I did contain myself and just blew him a BIG KISS. HA, I thought, who's the bigger person now!!
Then it happened, Logan Say's to me.. "mommy, is he called a DUMB ASS?" So yes I will admit, I have slipped, on more then one occasion. And all those times I get so frustrated for the kids not listening to me... Well guess what?!! THEY DO
Then it happened, Logan Say's to me.. "mommy, is he called a DUMB ASS?" So yes I will admit, I have slipped, on more then one occasion. And all those times I get so frustrated for the kids not listening to me... Well guess what?!! THEY DO
Friday, March 5, 2010
I am the parent of THAT kid
So you know that kid you see in the stores that is always in trouble, or just misbehaving and you think to yourself.. sheesh I would never let my kid get away with that? well "I AM THE PARENT OF THAT KID" No I am not bragging, quit the opposite actually, These past 2 days have been the worst. Seriously I have not had days like this since Joe was overseas and Logan was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
SO yesterday at Walgreen's My child is walking by as I hold his hand trying to knock things off the shelves, as I pull him away, scolding him he yells OWE YOUR HURTING ME" and of course I get the looks from other people wondering if I'm really abusing him. Then we head over to Bed Bath and Beyond.. ok I know what you are thinking.... WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA" And the answer is I DON'T KNOW!
The actual shopping trip was fine, it was when I was putting the bags in the car that I noticed an item I did not pick, or buy... so what my child is thief now?
Well I did what I thought was right, I took my boy by the hand , and marched him back into the store, had him hand the lady the item and tell her he took it with out paying. Ok WHY did these people think that was so cute? Seriously THANK ME for teaching my child RIGHT from wrong, and taking responsibility for what he did... DON'T TELL HIM HOW CUTE HE IS..
As for today.. not too terrible, he went to school, played with his little girlfriend, had a good day... until now. Little Mr. Logan Andrew thought it was a good idea to let the dogs out. all but sweet Ellie. Fudge stayed in the yard, Daisy took off down the street and around the corner, Logan following. So here I am CHASING this 7 lb Chihuahua all over Hell and back, then back up to the main street.. oh and did I mention I was in FREAKING HEALS? thank goodness for the boy across the street and Morgan for grabbing her. So I take Logan by the arm and March his butt back home as he Yells OUCH YOUR HURTING ME.. he is soooo lucky I just put him in his room, where he has been for an hour, I even took his favorite toys away.. SO as for my title "AT LEAST I CAN LAUGH ABOUT IT" I am sooo not laughing right now. But I am sure some of you are!!
SO yesterday at Walgreen's My child is walking by as I hold his hand trying to knock things off the shelves, as I pull him away, scolding him he yells OWE YOUR HURTING ME" and of course I get the looks from other people wondering if I'm really abusing him. Then we head over to Bed Bath and Beyond.. ok I know what you are thinking.... WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA" And the answer is I DON'T KNOW!
The actual shopping trip was fine, it was when I was putting the bags in the car that I noticed an item I did not pick, or buy... so what my child is thief now?
Well I did what I thought was right, I took my boy by the hand , and marched him back into the store, had him hand the lady the item and tell her he took it with out paying. Ok WHY did these people think that was so cute? Seriously THANK ME for teaching my child RIGHT from wrong, and taking responsibility for what he did... DON'T TELL HIM HOW CUTE HE IS..
As for today.. not too terrible, he went to school, played with his little girlfriend, had a good day... until now. Little Mr. Logan Andrew thought it was a good idea to let the dogs out. all but sweet Ellie. Fudge stayed in the yard, Daisy took off down the street and around the corner, Logan following. So here I am CHASING this 7 lb Chihuahua all over Hell and back, then back up to the main street.. oh and did I mention I was in FREAKING HEALS? thank goodness for the boy across the street and Morgan for grabbing her. So I take Logan by the arm and March his butt back home as he Yells OUCH YOUR HURTING ME.. he is soooo lucky I just put him in his room, where he has been for an hour, I even took his favorite toys away.. SO as for my title "AT LEAST I CAN LAUGH ABOUT IT" I am sooo not laughing right now. But I am sure some of you are!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Logan came home from school ther other day and was so happy because the little girl he has been talking about FINALLY TALKED TO HIM. He got into the car and said "mommy SHE TALKED TO ME" At Circle time Logan said he smiled at her and she smiled back, then she told him she liked his shoes. His new Super Hero shoes that light up when he walks" I asked him what she said to him and he said " she said she Loves me," "SHE DID" I said... "yep" "well what did you say back.. I said I love her back." Wow buddy that is so nice," What does she look like?" Here I am thinking my little almost 4 year old is going to say she has yellow hair, or something to that affect, but NO.. My little charmer say's "SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL>'
So today like every Wednesday I go pick Logan up from school, were walking to the car and as usual I say "how was your day" Logan says to me " She talked to me again, and she Kissed me," "she KISSED YOU, Oh My Gosh, where did she kiss you?" "right here" he says putting his finger on his lips." Ok see now here is the part that I'm not sure I believe, I have a hard time believing that these 3 year olds managed this, because whenever I ask Logan if this little girl played with him he says "NO" she plays with her other friends. So is this proof that Men start Embellishing the truth at such an early age, you know "locker room talk?" Just askin...
So today like every Wednesday I go pick Logan up from school, were walking to the car and as usual I say "how was your day" Logan says to me " She talked to me again, and she Kissed me," "she KISSED YOU, Oh My Gosh, where did she kiss you?" "right here" he says putting his finger on his lips." Ok see now here is the part that I'm not sure I believe, I have a hard time believing that these 3 year olds managed this, because whenever I ask Logan if this little girl played with him he says "NO" she plays with her other friends. So is this proof that Men start Embellishing the truth at such an early age, you know "locker room talk?" Just askin...
Ok so every night is the same thing.. EXACTLY the same thing.. times may vary but everything else is clockwork..
When Morgan was a baby we did things totally differently because she was our first baby, and at the time it made things easier.. Instead of putting her to bed in her crib we used to let her fall asleep on the couch and carry her to bed, then of course she'd wake up in the middle of the night and end up in our bed. When I was pregnant with Logan we knew things had to change, otherwise I would go insane. So before Logan came, we managed to "train" Morgan to fall asleep in her own bed. However she was still NOT a good sleeper. By the time Logan came around we were a bit smarter an had him go to bed while awake. So to this day he'll tell me he is ready for bed and go with no problem... I wish I could say the same for Morgan. We still have the same ritual: snuggle on the couch, walk to her room, Daddy says goodnight first, Mommy tucks her in, kiss and hug goodnight, make sure her door is ALL The way open. Then it NEVER fails, as soon as I sit on the couch I hear, "MOMMY!" "what", I say... lets see, its either, her finger hurts, her lip hurts, her door isn't open all the way touching the wall, the TVs too loud, or daddy is talking too loud".. OMG seriously can we have ONE night where we don't go thru this? my guess is NO. So tonight, was the same thing, My day was LESS then easy, well at least the afternoon.. Logan was Pill and went to bed early, he was a mess because I would not let him play with his leapster at bedtime (we had a lesson on Consequences). He learned that if you misbehave and make mommy need a xanex, the consequence is No leapster at bedtime.. we'll try again tomorrow. So Logan is sound asleep and Morgan, of course, goes to bed after we snuggle on the couch.. daddy is putting batteries in her leapster and I have a few things to do, so the routine HAD to change.. Mommy had to say goodnight FIRST. daddy had to go SECOND. Yea well that did NOT go over well... So here is my advice to you all.. STOP THE ROUTINE INSANITY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. and as usual we sit on the couch and hear "mommmmmy" I send Joe in, the problem was daddy is talking to loud"
When Morgan was a baby we did things totally differently because she was our first baby, and at the time it made things easier.. Instead of putting her to bed in her crib we used to let her fall asleep on the couch and carry her to bed, then of course she'd wake up in the middle of the night and end up in our bed. When I was pregnant with Logan we knew things had to change, otherwise I would go insane. So before Logan came, we managed to "train" Morgan to fall asleep in her own bed. However she was still NOT a good sleeper. By the time Logan came around we were a bit smarter an had him go to bed while awake. So to this day he'll tell me he is ready for bed and go with no problem... I wish I could say the same for Morgan. We still have the same ritual: snuggle on the couch, walk to her room, Daddy says goodnight first, Mommy tucks her in, kiss and hug goodnight, make sure her door is ALL The way open. Then it NEVER fails, as soon as I sit on the couch I hear, "MOMMY!" "what", I say... lets see, its either, her finger hurts, her lip hurts, her door isn't open all the way touching the wall, the TVs too loud, or daddy is talking too loud".. OMG seriously can we have ONE night where we don't go thru this? my guess is NO. So tonight, was the same thing, My day was LESS then easy, well at least the afternoon.. Logan was Pill and went to bed early, he was a mess because I would not let him play with his leapster at bedtime (we had a lesson on Consequences). He learned that if you misbehave and make mommy need a xanex, the consequence is No leapster at bedtime.. we'll try again tomorrow. So Logan is sound asleep and Morgan, of course, goes to bed after we snuggle on the couch.. daddy is putting batteries in her leapster and I have a few things to do, so the routine HAD to change.. Mommy had to say goodnight FIRST. daddy had to go SECOND. Yea well that did NOT go over well... So here is my advice to you all.. STOP THE ROUTINE INSANITY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. and as usual we sit on the couch and hear "mommmmmy" I send Joe in, the problem was daddy is talking to loud"
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
So today I actually have a few minutes to spare, Morgan is home sick from school again so both kids are busy watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the one with Johnny Depp. Ok and since I'm on the topic of good ol Johnny, Am I the only one who is totally freaked out about the new Alice and Wonderland Movie? seriously I can't even look at the preview it totally freaks the crap out of me.
SO while the kids are watching the movie and in between fighting I decided its a good time to disinfect the house AGAIN. As usual I do the dreaded bathroom duty, and I just have one question... " IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO SHOOT THE WATER" ok I know he is not even 4 yet but I would think this would be a pretty easy task, just aim and shoot? am I wrong? I keep finding yellow streaks all the way down and around the toilet. EWE! and yes I have even walked in when he was pretending to be a sprinkler. Do boy ever grow out of this? NO NO NO I am not blaming Joe for any of this.... BUT peeing standing up in the middle of the night in the dark? you never know what could happen..... Just sayin!
SO while the kids are watching the movie and in between fighting I decided its a good time to disinfect the house AGAIN. As usual I do the dreaded bathroom duty, and I just have one question... " IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO SHOOT THE WATER" ok I know he is not even 4 yet but I would think this would be a pretty easy task, just aim and shoot? am I wrong? I keep finding yellow streaks all the way down and around the toilet. EWE! and yes I have even walked in when he was pretending to be a sprinkler. Do boy ever grow out of this? NO NO NO I am not blaming Joe for any of this.... BUT peeing standing up in the middle of the night in the dark? you never know what could happen..... Just sayin!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Laundry? what Laundry?
Finally Time for a Blog, well Kind of. I mean seriously is there REALLY time for me to be doing this? not really, Its 830pm On thursday night, Morgan is sitting next to me reading a book, Logan just went to bed, Joe is watching cops, and there is a huge pile of laundry just staring at me,screaming to be folded and put away. I however am choosing to ignore it until further notice.
These past few weeks have been busier then normal we have all been sick one after another and you all know that when mommy is sick the whole house falls apart and the earth caves in until mommy is back to normal.
Yesterday I picked up the girls from school (Morgan and Makenna) Usually when they get into the car they are hyper and laughing.This time not so much. Apparantly the whole class got busted for being wild. Although when I asked the girls what happend they refused to tell me. Now these 2 girls are the most well behaved kids in school, seriously I have a hard time seeing them get into trouble, I was trying hard not to laugh. Anyway I never got an answer until 830 that night when Makenna's mom sent me a text asking if Morgan was supposed to write an I'm sorry note to her teacher.. All I found out was the class was wild and Morgan was laughing when she was supposed to be serious.. OYE this is just the begining.
Today Logan was the Red Power Ranger ALL DAY, riding his bike and running down the street as fast as he can trying REALLY hard to get his cape to fly. then ME holding his kite in the street while he is a Power Ranger running down the street trying to get this damn kite to fly WHEN THERE IS NO WIND! AT least he told me I was pretty.
These past few weeks have been busier then normal we have all been sick one after another and you all know that when mommy is sick the whole house falls apart and the earth caves in until mommy is back to normal.
Yesterday I picked up the girls from school (Morgan and Makenna) Usually when they get into the car they are hyper and laughing.This time not so much. Apparantly the whole class got busted for being wild. Although when I asked the girls what happend they refused to tell me. Now these 2 girls are the most well behaved kids in school, seriously I have a hard time seeing them get into trouble, I was trying hard not to laugh. Anyway I never got an answer until 830 that night when Makenna's mom sent me a text asking if Morgan was supposed to write an I'm sorry note to her teacher.. All I found out was the class was wild and Morgan was laughing when she was supposed to be serious.. OYE this is just the begining.
Today Logan was the Red Power Ranger ALL DAY, riding his bike and running down the street as fast as he can trying REALLY hard to get his cape to fly. then ME holding his kite in the street while he is a Power Ranger running down the street trying to get this damn kite to fly WHEN THERE IS NO WIND! AT least he told me I was pretty.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
I don't want to be the first to wave!
Logan started preschool!!! I am thrilled at how easy it was. All I had to do was buy him his very own Spider man backpack. HA, That is all it took. He NEVER takes it off, I'm sure he would sleep with it on if I let him.. He loves school, and I love that he loves school, its only for 2 hours and 45 min 3 days a week, but we can afford it and HE LOVES IT! I can even use it as a threat... " Logan if you don't behave you can't go to preschool" amazing.
So we used to have a friend, a good friend. well things took place and we are no longer friends.. its like that saying " friends for a season" well I guess that season is over.. Anyway today was a sad day for my Morgan, she saw this friend and said to me " mommy, I used to hug her.. I said I know honey, I said you can still wave, I betcha she would wave back" Morgan said but I don't' want to be the first to wave". What is mommy supposed to say to that?" so I just told her its okay, and if you ever feel like you want to then its OK". Morgans response was. " mom I just don't want to talk about it anymore", the sad thing is she is acting like more of an adult then us adults, I guess we should learn something from my almost 7 year old.
So we used to have a friend, a good friend. well things took place and we are no longer friends.. its like that saying " friends for a season" well I guess that season is over.. Anyway today was a sad day for my Morgan, she saw this friend and said to me " mommy, I used to hug her.. I said I know honey, I said you can still wave, I betcha she would wave back" Morgan said but I don't' want to be the first to wave". What is mommy supposed to say to that?" so I just told her its okay, and if you ever feel like you want to then its OK". Morgans response was. " mom I just don't want to talk about it anymore", the sad thing is she is acting like more of an adult then us adults, I guess we should learn something from my almost 7 year old.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ok so I just have to brag about my kids and tell you all how proud I am.
Morgans friends decided that they want to do something to help the people of Haiti after the earthquake and they asked Morgan and Logan to help.
These wonderful kids ages 3 -8 decided to sell their artwork for 5.00 each, the money they make goes directly to the AMERICAN RED CROSS HAITI. They have been painting and drawing for days, selling artwork left and right. We need more family support though. All you need to do is send a check made out to America Red Cross Haiti relief for 5.00 per artwork, and I will send you your very own piece of art by Morgan and Or Logan Botto.
Morgans friends decided that they want to do something to help the people of Haiti after the earthquake and they asked Morgan and Logan to help.
These wonderful kids ages 3 -8 decided to sell their artwork for 5.00 each, the money they make goes directly to the AMERICAN RED CROSS HAITI. They have been painting and drawing for days, selling artwork left and right. We need more family support though. All you need to do is send a check made out to America Red Cross Haiti relief for 5.00 per artwork, and I will send you your very own piece of art by Morgan and Or Logan Botto.
Mommy Needs A Time Out"
Ok so its been a few days since my last post, but that is basically been because Logan has been making me nuts, and I really dont' want to write things that are not very nice.
Today was a hard day again, I don't understand the whining. I mean seriously, it seems to be getting worse EVERY SINGLE DAY! I think its a boy thing because I don't remember Morgan ever being this bad. Today I actually had to lock myself in my room for 30 sec with Logan pounding on my door, and Me yelling back " MOMMY NEEDS A TIME OUT" Actually the truth is Logan needs to go to preschool. You think I would have sent him a long time ago since I was a preschool teaher for 13 years Before I had kids. But #1 its soo expensive to send him, and with me not working its just not possible, and #2 99% of the schools in this area are all Christian based, and being Jewish, thats not a really good idea.
Thanks to my WONDERFUL friend Nicole, I actually got a little break today, she offered to take Logan to her house to play, AND pick up Morgan from school. She also gave me a number for a daycare that I can afford for 2 days a week. I do want to go back to work, but even tho my kids drive me mad at times, I just can't see them being raised by someone else. I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to stay home with my kids for as long as I have. YES we have had to sacrafice. We dont' take a lot of vacations, we don't drive fancy cars, BUT we do have a house, and the kids want for nothing. So the sacarafices we have made are small. I have not missed a moment of my kids lives. Now of course being a stay at home mom is NOT an easy job, sometimes you lose yourself, and may even need a xanex here and there. (oops did I say that out loud).
Today was a hard day again, I don't understand the whining. I mean seriously, it seems to be getting worse EVERY SINGLE DAY! I think its a boy thing because I don't remember Morgan ever being this bad. Today I actually had to lock myself in my room for 30 sec with Logan pounding on my door, and Me yelling back " MOMMY NEEDS A TIME OUT" Actually the truth is Logan needs to go to preschool. You think I would have sent him a long time ago since I was a preschool teaher for 13 years Before I had kids. But #1 its soo expensive to send him, and with me not working its just not possible, and #2 99% of the schools in this area are all Christian based, and being Jewish, thats not a really good idea.
Thanks to my WONDERFUL friend Nicole, I actually got a little break today, she offered to take Logan to her house to play, AND pick up Morgan from school. She also gave me a number for a daycare that I can afford for 2 days a week. I do want to go back to work, but even tho my kids drive me mad at times, I just can't see them being raised by someone else. I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to stay home with my kids for as long as I have. YES we have had to sacrafice. We dont' take a lot of vacations, we don't drive fancy cars, BUT we do have a house, and the kids want for nothing. So the sacarafices we have made are small. I have not missed a moment of my kids lives. Now of course being a stay at home mom is NOT an easy job, sometimes you lose yourself, and may even need a xanex here and there. (oops did I say that out loud).
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Princess Consuela Banana Hamock
I knew kids would fight and argue, Heck I did with my sister til we were well into our 20's. Logan and Morgan LOVE each other, it is very sweet at times. Logan will just turn to Morgan and say "I Love you Morgan" and Morgan will grunt under her breath, "I Love you too". When they get along THEY REALLY get along,but when they don't its not pretty, and mommy usually loses her mind pretty fast. I hate to admit but I am a yeller, I really want to change that but man sometimes its just so hard not too.
Last Saturday of course the kids were home all day long, we were having a pretty good day, except for the tattling. The funny thing is, usually its Morgan doing the tattling.. Then its one after the other, over the silliest things. So Finally after a few hours of tattling back and forth, I told my beautiful babes " My name is no longer Mommy" First they laughed at me, but I was very serious and said from now on my name is "Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" (Yes stole it from "Friends") So that day every time I heard "MOOOOMMMMY" I did not answer, or would remind them that I was Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" I was really hoping that this would stop the tattling, but of course I was wrong. The next day Logan and I were sitting on the couch and I told him " Remember my name is Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" He got so sad, and said " No I wanna call you mommy". That was the end of Princess Consuela Banana Hammock'
Last Saturday of course the kids were home all day long, we were having a pretty good day, except for the tattling. The funny thing is, usually its Morgan doing the tattling.. Then its one after the other, over the silliest things. So Finally after a few hours of tattling back and forth, I told my beautiful babes " My name is no longer Mommy" First they laughed at me, but I was very serious and said from now on my name is "Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" (Yes stole it from "Friends") So that day every time I heard "MOOOOMMMMY" I did not answer, or would remind them that I was Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" I was really hoping that this would stop the tattling, but of course I was wrong. The next day Logan and I were sitting on the couch and I told him " Remember my name is Princess Consuela Banana Hammock" He got so sad, and said " No I wanna call you mommy". That was the end of Princess Consuela Banana Hammock'
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Mean Mommy!
How often to you hear " Your Mean" from you child? Well I have not heard this come out of my little boys mouth until this past week, And to be very honest, I'm kinda taking it as a compliment. Does that make me mean? HA!
So here we are in the middle of January In southern California, Instead of wearing jackets and long sleeve shirts, We are in Jeans and short sleeves. I'm starting to wonder if I slept all through winter and woke up to spring, but then again if I had gotten more then 4 hours asleep I would not be this tired.
So on this Beautiful Wintery Spring day Logan and I decide to play in the front yard, playing catch then riding his bike. We get half way around the corner when Logan gets off his bike and says " mommy, I'm done I want to go home." Fine with me so I say "Ok buddy, turn your bike around so you can ride it home." And THAT is when it started, The screaming, the whining, the stomping and the crying. Trying to stay calm I tell my little man, "you need to ride your bike home" the screaming and crying continues, he's trying to drag his bike instead of riding it. I admit, thinking about it now, it is kinda of funny, and I can only imagine what the neighbors were thinking as they were peering out of their front windows to see just how badly this poor child was being beat. I'm still wondering if CPS will come knocking on my door since " mean mommy" refused to carry this bike all the way home. well this went on for several minutes and yes I ended up carrying this bike home, Logan walking beside me, through his tears saying " your mean mommy" Well, I put down his bike and looked at my cute little boy and said " Thats how you get to be a mom, First you take a mean test, and if your mean enough you pass and get to be a mom." that was the end of that conversation!
So here we are in the middle of January In southern California, Instead of wearing jackets and long sleeve shirts, We are in Jeans and short sleeves. I'm starting to wonder if I slept all through winter and woke up to spring, but then again if I had gotten more then 4 hours asleep I would not be this tired.
So on this Beautiful Wintery Spring day Logan and I decide to play in the front yard, playing catch then riding his bike. We get half way around the corner when Logan gets off his bike and says " mommy, I'm done I want to go home." Fine with me so I say "Ok buddy, turn your bike around so you can ride it home." And THAT is when it started, The screaming, the whining, the stomping and the crying. Trying to stay calm I tell my little man, "you need to ride your bike home" the screaming and crying continues, he's trying to drag his bike instead of riding it. I admit, thinking about it now, it is kinda of funny, and I can only imagine what the neighbors were thinking as they were peering out of their front windows to see just how badly this poor child was being beat. I'm still wondering if CPS will come knocking on my door since " mean mommy" refused to carry this bike all the way home. well this went on for several minutes and yes I ended up carrying this bike home, Logan walking beside me, through his tears saying " your mean mommy" Well, I put down his bike and looked at my cute little boy and said " Thats how you get to be a mom, First you take a mean test, and if your mean enough you pass and get to be a mom." that was the end of that conversation!
Friday, January 8, 2010
My toothless Sassy Six year old!
We used to talk about having one more baby, but then Logan got older and my reason for not is "what if I get another Logan" Of course I love my little boy, and think he is the cutest, funniest and sweetest little boy ever, he's just a bit hard to handle sometimes. We always said “if we could be guaranteed a girl, well…we'd be all over it. That was until last week! What happened to my sweet, perfect, nice little girl? She turned SASSY overnight! All of a sudden she is in time-outs and sent to her room 2 times a day. I swear she and Logan pulled a "Freaky Friday” on me. When I tell friends, or even teachers, that she has “not been so sweet” everyone is totally shocked, and ask “this is Morgan you’re talking about?" The answer is YES! Wow..From sweet 6 to Sassy 6 in 3.2 seconds… WOW!
Well My beautiful Sassy 6 year old Morgan Ashley was on her 3rd loose tooth, the two biggest ones right on top. I swear this tooth has been loose FOREVER! finally it is so lose (it’s pretty much hanging by a thread) so last night Miss Morgan was so emotional over this tooth, at times it was hard not to laugh, but she wanted me to pull it out. Every time I got near her mouth she'd close her mouth up, she was crying and saying " I don’t' want to have a loose tooth!"
Well, she was finally brave enough for me to pull the tooth out, but I just could NOT do it!! My mind just would not allow it. Morgan decided to let daddy do the job, and in one pull the tooth was out…the drama was over except for Morgan writing the tooth Fairy asking her for a Nintendo DS. Seriously!! What happened to 50 cents under the pillow? Well she did NOT get a DS and was happy with $3.00.
Well My beautiful Sassy 6 year old Morgan Ashley was on her 3rd loose tooth, the two biggest ones right on top. I swear this tooth has been loose FOREVER! finally it is so lose (it’s pretty much hanging by a thread) so last night Miss Morgan was so emotional over this tooth, at times it was hard not to laugh, but she wanted me to pull it out. Every time I got near her mouth she'd close her mouth up, she was crying and saying " I don’t' want to have a loose tooth!"
Well, she was finally brave enough for me to pull the tooth out, but I just could NOT do it!! My mind just would not allow it. Morgan decided to let daddy do the job, and in one pull the tooth was out…the drama was over except for Morgan writing the tooth Fairy asking her for a Nintendo DS. Seriously!! What happened to 50 cents under the pillow? Well she did NOT get a DS and was happy with $3.00.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Only Logan!
well I guess this is the perfect time to tell you about Logan. Logan Andrew came into our lives On March 22, 2006 via C section. He was a lot bigger then we expected, even tho i was HUGE. I'm only 4'11 and my tummy took over.. The doctor said I was " full of Fluid" yea right he was almost 9 lbs.
Logan Keeps us on our toes NON STOP. I'm always telling him " your sooooo lucky your cute" The other day we went to pick up Morgan from school, we usually get there pretty early so we sit in the car, I never unbuckle Logan's car seat, basically because I know him! well this time I did, and I quickly remembered WHY i don't do this. I'm sitting in the driver seat listening to the radio, when I hear " ow , ow, ow, OW MOMMY"! I turn my head and he has got his head STUCK in the car window.. Only Logan..
Logan Keeps us on our toes NON STOP. I'm always telling him " your sooooo lucky your cute" The other day we went to pick up Morgan from school, we usually get there pretty early so we sit in the car, I never unbuckle Logan's car seat, basically because I know him! well this time I did, and I quickly remembered WHY i don't do this. I'm sitting in the driver seat listening to the radio, when I hear " ow , ow, ow, OW MOMMY"! I turn my head and he has got his head STUCK in the car window.. Only Logan..
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I've been told by several people that I should start writing things down. Of course I never listened until now. I always thought " oh I'll remember that because its so funny" but life throws so many things at you all at once it is impossible to remember EVERYTHING. So I'll start now, Start by just telling a little about myself, and my family...
My Name is Jenni, or as my husband calls me Petunia. When he first called me that all I could say was " it better be the flower and not the pig". We have been Married for 8 years. Sept 2 2001, our daughter was born on May 13 2003, I was induced on my due date because my husband is in the military and had to go back to where he was stationed.. I was induced at 8 am, and had the WORST labor , and ended up with an emergency C section at 8 pm that night. And Morgan Ashley came into our world.. 3 months after she was born we along with our Cat Cody boarded a plane to Washington state to be with my husband... Have you ever flown with a Cat? well its very entertaining.. picture this.. I'm an emotional mess already since I'm leaving my family, and moving away. i have a 3 month old baby in a carrier / stroller, then i have Cody in a carry on (he was given a tranquilizer) well I have to get the baby out of the carrier so that they can scan it, on top of that i have to take the cat out of the carrier so they can scan that... well guess what the drugs did not take effect.. so the cat freaks out and jumps out of my arms running around the terminal, I'm a mess crying and ended up handing the baby to a nice lady behind me to hold while i help get the cat... Finally the cat is safe back in his carrier and we bored the plane.. Once we land the cat FINALLY falls asleep, I get off the plane looking for my husband and realize I left my phone on the plane... I was going to stop here but then as I re read what I wrote I realized i never mentioned Logan.. my feisty 3 year old son... I have A LOT to tell you about him but there is plenty of time for that ... We also have 3 dogs, 2 cats,1 bird.. I'll get into all that later too..
My Name is Jenni, or as my husband calls me Petunia. When he first called me that all I could say was " it better be the flower and not the pig". We have been Married for 8 years. Sept 2 2001, our daughter was born on May 13 2003, I was induced on my due date because my husband is in the military and had to go back to where he was stationed.. I was induced at 8 am, and had the WORST labor , and ended up with an emergency C section at 8 pm that night. And Morgan Ashley came into our world.. 3 months after she was born we along with our Cat Cody boarded a plane to Washington state to be with my husband... Have you ever flown with a Cat? well its very entertaining.. picture this.. I'm an emotional mess already since I'm leaving my family, and moving away. i have a 3 month old baby in a carrier / stroller, then i have Cody in a carry on (he was given a tranquilizer) well I have to get the baby out of the carrier so that they can scan it, on top of that i have to take the cat out of the carrier so they can scan that... well guess what the drugs did not take effect.. so the cat freaks out and jumps out of my arms running around the terminal, I'm a mess crying and ended up handing the baby to a nice lady behind me to hold while i help get the cat... Finally the cat is safe back in his carrier and we bored the plane.. Once we land the cat FINALLY falls asleep, I get off the plane looking for my husband and realize I left my phone on the plane... I was going to stop here but then as I re read what I wrote I realized i never mentioned Logan.. my feisty 3 year old son... I have A LOT to tell you about him but there is plenty of time for that ... We also have 3 dogs, 2 cats,1 bird.. I'll get into all that later too..
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