Friday, January 8, 2010

My toothless Sassy Six year old!

We used to talk about having one more baby, but then Logan got older and my reason for not is "what if I get another Logan" Of course I love my little boy, and think he is the cutest, funniest and sweetest little boy ever, he's just a bit hard to handle sometimes. We always said “if we could be guaranteed a girl, well…we'd be all over it. That was until last week! What happened to my sweet, perfect, nice little girl? She turned SASSY overnight! All of a sudden she is in time-outs and sent to her room 2 times a day. I swear she and Logan pulled a "Freaky Friday” on me. When I tell friends, or even teachers, that she has “not been so sweet” everyone is totally shocked, and ask “this is Morgan you’re talking about?" The answer is YES! Wow..From sweet 6 to Sassy 6 in 3.2 seconds… WOW!
Well My beautiful Sassy 6 year old Morgan Ashley was on her 3rd loose tooth, the two biggest ones right on top. I swear this tooth has been loose FOREVER! finally it is so lose (it’s pretty much hanging by a thread) so last night Miss Morgan was so emotional over this tooth, at times it was hard not to laugh, but she wanted me to pull it out. Every time I got near her mouth she'd close her mouth up, she was crying and saying " I don’t' want to have a loose tooth!"
Well, she was finally brave enough for me to pull the tooth out, but I just could NOT do it!! My mind just would not allow it. Morgan decided to let daddy do the job, and in one pull the tooth was out…the drama was over except for Morgan writing the tooth Fairy asking her for a Nintendo DS. Seriously!! What happened to 50 cents under the pillow? Well she did NOT get a DS and was happy with $3.00.

1 comment:

  1. I always hate when the tooth fairy gives other kids BIG things. Our tooth fairy leaves $1 coins. I am glad your tooth fairy is thinkin small too!
