Monday, February 1, 2010

I don't want to be the first to wave!

Logan started preschool!!! I am thrilled at how easy it was. All I had to do was buy him his very own Spider man backpack. HA, That is all it took. He NEVER takes it off, I'm sure he would sleep with it on if I let him.. He loves school, and I love that he loves school, its only for 2 hours and 45 min 3 days a week, but we can afford it and HE LOVES IT! I can even use it as a threat... " Logan if you don't behave you can't go to preschool" amazing.

So we used to have a friend, a good friend. well things took place and we are no longer friends.. its like that saying " friends for a season" well I guess that season is over.. Anyway today was a sad day for my Morgan, she saw this friend and said to me " mommy, I used to hug her.. I said I know honey, I said you can still wave, I betcha she would wave back" Morgan said but I don't' want to be the first to wave". What is mommy supposed to say to that?" so I just told her its okay, and if you ever feel like you want to then its OK". Morgans response was. " mom I just don't want to talk about it anymore", the sad thing is she is acting like more of an adult then us adults, I guess we should learn something from my almost 7 year old.

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