Here are my Beautiful babes, at Pechenga awaiting Hairspray the Musical. The evening started off great, with a yummy dinner and lots of excitment. It ended 45 min into the show, with "I'm tired, I wanna go home." 2 kids crying, a frustraited daddy, and sad mommy.. What We saw of the show was amazing. I hope to see all of it one day.. Lesson of the day: EVEN IF the little ones get a good nap, An 8pm show is just not a good idea.. SO I'M SORRY TO THOSE OF YOU THAT WERE SITTING NEAR US".. I really did Mean well!
You know...I thought his shoes looked a little odd, but I thought maybe it was the way his feet were positioned! Too funny!! Makena used to prefer her shoes on backwards everytime...she said they felt better that way! Ok...not a battle worth fighting! So sorry your evening turned out that way...yep, unless you're at Disneyland 8pm is pretty ambitious. ;) I'd love to see a musical one day, I think my last was Phantom of the Opera YEARS ago! Wicked is on my to-do list.