Saturday, May 15, 2010


Seriously where does he come up with these things?? I dropped Morgan off at school Logan and I had about 40 minutes before he had to be at preschool so we ran a couple of errands, I pulled into the parking space directly in front of the ATM so I could make a deposit.. Now I was not more then 5 feet away from the car so don't freak out when I tell you I left Logan in the car waiting for me.. I Also left my coffee in the cup holder in the car.. I got back in the car and Logan was in Morgans seat, that was no big deal he's played musical chairs before.. ( no no no not while I'm driving so chill out!) Anyway as I was driving out of the parking lot Logan Say's "Mom the invisible me drank your coffee," "What, Logan did you drink my coffee?" "no mom, It was the Invisible Me." "Logan, be honest, did you drink my coffee?" "Mom, you be honest, what were you doing at the bank?" "UM I was depositing a check" ... "OK mom then yes I drank your coffee.."

So then Later that afternoon, we picked Morgan up from school and headed to get her allergy shots like we do twice a week. Out of the blue Logan says to me " I talked to Michelle Obama" (OK just that he even knows the name "Michelle Obama" is insane) So I said " oh really, and what did she say" Logan Say's "she called on the phone and said Hi Logan, this is Michelle Obama, OK."

Yesterday Logan had his 4 year old check up, HE LOVES going to the Dr, and they LOVE when we come in because they get free entertainment. Logan who as you all know is not even close to being shy, immediately broke out in song, singing The Star Spangled Banner, This Land Is Your Land, and doing the Pledge Of Allegiance, he told Dr. Azhand all about Michelle Obama, Dr. Azhand asked who she was, and Logan told him she lives in the United States, He asked Logan who is she married to, and Logan thought for a minute and asked " whats that boys name" Dr Azhand was cracking up, and Logan finally said "Barrack Obama". Dr Azhand said he can't believe how confident Logan is, and keeps telling me how bright he is.. Well Logan was having a great time until the nurse told him he needed to get One shot and One finger poke. Well Instantly Logan started to cry, begging me to take him home.. " mommy I don't want to get a shot, can't we just leave?" " no buddy we can't go yet," Yes mommy, we can run" No, we cant they will catch us." "do they have a car" "Yes, and when we get home they will call us and ask what happened".. Logan looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said "DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE!"

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