Thursday, March 15, 2012

Poor Little Leprechaun

St. Patrick's Day! The day that consists of getting pinched, and those wacky little men we call Leprechauns. Have you ever seen let alone caught a leprechaun? This year at school these pesky little men have been making a bit of a mess in the classrooms, even Peeing green pee and NOT flushing the toilet..
I always thought that if you could find the end of the rainbow there would surely be a leprechaun with his pot of gold.. Apparently they would much rather hang out at Sycamore Academy.
Today I learned something new, I had no idea that leprechauns laid eggs, seriously who would have thought..?? Logan came home today carefully holding, yep you guest it, his very own Leprechaun egg. He was SO excited, he placed it gently in a bowl, even gave it a bath. Not long after, the egg cracked, or shall I say "was cracked" What child is not going to try to crack a leprechaun egg to see if there is a leprechaun in it? Not long after Logan was very quiet, I asked him " Logan why are you so sad?" with that, he started crying such a sad cry, saying he Killed the leprechaun.. HOW SAD IS THAT? I decided I should tell him the truth, "Logan buddy there was no leprechaun in there, it was just pretend, he's still crying pretty loud, and say's now I'm sad that it was pretend." So what's worse, thinking you Killed your leprechaun, or that the leprechaun you thought you killed is fake.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012

It's been a super duper long time since I've blogged. This one isn't going to be anything fancy just a bit of an update. As we speak my house is full of kids... where did they all come from? we went from being the only kids in the neighborhood to having TONS. Even a couple living right next door.. My kids are in total heaven. I am exhausted!
Holidays have come and gone, Lots of Hanukkah fun! This year we headed up to Northern California to have Christmas with Joe's side of the family. This is the first year his mom is not with us. See I didn't even blog about that.... We lost Joe's mom, Morgan and Logan's grandma in August of 2010. It was a total shock, and totally unexpected. Here we were planning Thanksgiving in August with the exchange students when BAM! we got the call threw the kids in the car and headed to Holister.. Sadly she didn't make it and suffered a massive stroke at the age of 68. SO this year we spent the holidays with the Botto side.
Morgan and Logan are AMAZING of course, Morgan is miss Popular and sassy pants, Still a little peanut but with a MASSIVE tude... Logan is almost 6 now, reading at a 2Nd grade level, knows a lot about everything and shocks the heck out of me on a daily basis..
I actually went back to work. Now don't get to excited, I'm over it. While at the gym I got a call from a preschool I applied at over 3 years ago, They wanted me to start working asap. It is an AMAZING place and I loved it. But it was just too hard, I love being at home, not worrying about what happens if my kids are sick, or missing their events at school. Not to mention when they are on Vacation. And I was not hired as a teacher, I was doing a lot of cleaning up after everyone else, and it just made me sad. So I'm back to being a SHAME and I love it, I may bitch and complain now and then, but I would not change it for the world... I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and fabulous New Year. I hope 2012 bring joy and peace to all of you!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bye bye Adenoids, Hello Tubes

Finally after 8 years give or take, Morgan is finally on her way to being a normally healthy kid.
Here is where the " mommy guilt" comes into play. After all these years of stuffiness, coughing, not sleeping, Not being able to breathe through her nose EVER, to teeth being messed up from " tongue thrust' we all assumed it was all due to allergies. YES Morgan does have allergies, but apparently they are NOT as bad as we all thought. After ear infection after ear infection we FINALLY went to see an ENT who decided to remove the dreaded adenoids and insert tubes.
Morgan is one brave girl, and mommy tried super hard to put on a brave face, YES I know adenoid removal and tube insertion is NOT a big deal.. But when its your baby on the table, and they have to be put under anesthesia Mommy's tend to worry.
The big day was last Friday June 17, the day after Morgan finished up 2nd grade, we went to the
surgery center in Murrieta and waited. Finally it was her turn and Joe and I were able to go in the back with her, Now I was up ALL night, just worrying. My biggest worry was not being able to be with her when they put her to sleep, I was so worried about them wheeling her away crying.
Well my fear did come true, and I'm pretty sure it was a lot worse for me then it was for her, but having her grab on to me and cry as they wheeled her away just sucked!
The surgery itself lasted no more then 30 min, I was there when she woke up and she was fine of course. By the next day Morgan was back to normal, well actually WAY BETTER then normal, she CAN HEAR! seriously we had NO idea she was not hearing well. There was so much fluid in her ears, that all those " huhs" were real!! Joe and I were always saying " don't say huh". Right now everything is a lot louder for her, and it will take some getting used to. She's already breathing through her nose, she's NOT snoring. You would think that I would sleep better not hearing her snore down the hall, but I don't, at least not right now, I'm so used to " hearing" her breathe, that now NOT hearing her breathe makes me worry.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


So I took the kids to the bank so they can turn in their coins, trying to coax them into depositing it into THEIR accounts was a bust, So I agreed they could take THEIR money and buy what THEY want at the store. We ended up at Super Target and Logan is dead set on buying a wii game. All he is talking about is Sonic. So I had the fabulous idea that if both kids put their money together they could get a super cool game.. (MARIO CART) Logan has been asking for this game for Months, and for some reason today he was determined NOT to get.. Well Joe Morgan and I were determined TO get it. Before hitting the Wii game isle, Logan was being a butt while he and Morgan were talking constantly saying "butt hole (not something I'm proud of ) I repeatedly told him to stop. Finally Joe took him to the side to sit in a time out in the middle of Super Target. As we are in the game isle the 3 of us are saying anything we can to get him to choose OUR game.. and by the way.. Morgan is one smart cookie, she refuses to spend HER money on a wii game knowing that Logan will use his, and she will get to play for FREE! I am saying anything I can to get him not to choose whatever game he is looking at, at that moment. for instance, Logan is looking at a haunted mansion game... My response is " no that will give you nightmares " OK I KNOW BAD MOMMY!! Finally Joe looks at Logan and Say's " Logan remember when I said you were grounded from the wii for 2 days for saying potty words", well if you get this game, you won't be grounded anymore and you can play it all day tomorrow." With a big HUFF Logan Say's "FINE" and walks off.. Joe follows him and Say's " good choice buddy, and I'll even let you say ONE potty word.." Logan looks up to think about it and Say's "BUTT HOLE!" AND THE MOTHER AND FATHER OF THE YEAR AWARD GOES TO... JOE AND JENNI BOTTO!

Toilet Troubles

Any ideas on how many times a 5 year old can clog up the toilet and flood the bathroom? So far we are at 2 in 2 days! Its never a good thing when your child comes to you and say's " mom, I went poop, and it was a big poop, I flushed it but now the toilet is full of water.... I tried to fix it but I can't." OH JOY so here I go to see what the damage is, as I walk into the bathroom and notice the rug is soaked, there are towels all over and a wet plunger, not to mention about 2 inches of water just sloshing around. At this point I am extremley grateful that the poop made it down the draine before the flood!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


ok so I've noticed that little boys are pretty facinated when it comes to their body parts... Yes I know I have written about THAT before but, the things he say's and does are just so random, and with having a little girl first (thankfully) its even more comical... So in the years before Logan has noticed his "area" can go up and down on its own.. When Morgan was little she noticed this when I was changing his diaper and the first thing that came out of HER mouth was " mommy look mommy his penis is awake"
Well Logan is going to be 5 this coming tuesday, and he STILL is so dag on random, sometimes it infuriates me and other times I just have to walk away because I am laughing so hard, I have to leave the room. Well yesterday was one day that I HAD to leave the room...
Yesterday Morning we were getting ready to head to Disneyland to celebrate Logan's birthday.
I told Logan is was bath time, and to come into the bathroom, the bath water was all ready, bubbles and all. Logan got undressed, and was giggeling pretty uncontrolably. " LOOK MOMMY" of course I turn around . See you would think that this would not suprise me but yep, he got me again.. I turn my head only to see a purple plastic braclet hanging from logan.. and when I say "hanging from Logan" I think you get what I mean..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

the lies we tell our kids

Lies, we all do it, Big lies, little lies,we lie so we don't hurt someones feelings, or we lie to get out of doing something. Funny how we try to teach our children NEVER to lie, funny because we lie to our children to try to catch them in a lie. Now is it me, or does that just not make sense? Yes I am SO guilty of the lying game, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
Logan is famous for lying, " yes I brushed my teeth, No I didn't pee on the floor, etc. So thanks to Nani, we came up with a sure fire way of finding out if he did in fact lie. "Logan, if you are lying you are going to grow hair on your tongue." Now it didn't take long for this to actually work, as soon as I say "Let me see your tongue" he closes up his mouth so tight so i can't see any little fuzzy's growing, then he runs to the bathroom to double check. HA CAUGHT THAT LIE"
For some reason Little boys either choose NOT pee in the toilet, or they just can't seem to aim, Seriously? how can you NOT aim? Lately I'm finding myself cleaning and scrubbing the toilets and the areas around, GROSS, SMELLY and just plain wrong!. "Logan, did you know that there is a special device on the bathroom rug with an alarm that goes off in daddy's wallet when you pee on the floor"?
Even Morgan is guilty of the "little" lies. Lately she is coming home from school starving, of course she is to busy at lunch time to eat her lunch. So today I asked where is your lunch box, she yells "in my room" and runs to get it then she yells, " I ate half my sandwich" "well maybe if you would eat your lunch you would not come home so hungry." After a few minutes I finally say " Hurry up Morgan" "I'm coming she yells, Now I know what she is doing, because Mom's know EVERYTHING! later at dinner time, Joe asks Morgan " so how was your lunch today, Morgan looks at me with a surprised look on her face. Even Daddy's are in on this lying thing.... Joe said "Morgan, did you know that I was watching you through your window, and I saw you eating your lunch" Morgan's face was SHOCKED, as she started laughing uncontrollably. HA caught that lie too!